It would look like this........
- Teams that create and follow BIM Execution Plans (BEPs) together.
- Using WIP, Shared, Published and Archived data storage areas in a Common Data Environment (CDE).
- Correctly named data with a defined purpose and status.
- Only properly checked data getting Shared and Published.
- Delivering the defined Level of Detail for Stages Zero to 7.
Deceptively simple - and not a 3D model in sight. But what we need is for ALL of us to do this ALL the of time. Not just models and drawings! Reports, calculations - everything. Once we behave this way we can collaborate in confidence. Until we consistently do these things anyone who thinks they are approaching Level 2 is just mucking around with Revit and kidding themselves. Many people get distracted by the rising line on the BIM maturity 'wedge' diagram. That's where the new technology is, new machines that go ping - and we all like shopping.
The key step is Level 0 to 1. That is about personal and organisational change. Not doing things. Sharing. Doing the same thing every time. Trusting. All these are less comfortable things to talk about than what software you want to buy for BIM. And they don't sound much fun. But if you don't fully implement Level 1 any new technology is just adding new complexity to the old information chaos. Who would want to collaborate with that?
You are going to hear me banging on (sorry, 'influencing' you) about these five headings constantly for the next few months.
You can have your book back now Anne!